Inclusion, respect, and equality are pillars of a society that are both harmonious and just. Schools are at the center of education and socialization and ultimately shape the mindset and beliefs of future generations. Special Olympic UP has established its Unified Schools: Creating Inclusive Communities initiative for the purpose of ensuring that all children of all abilities are welcomed and empowered in schools. One of the strongest catalysts for this change is Unified Sports. Unified Sports provides students with and without an intellectual disability the opportunity to socially include each other through the power of sport.
In this post, we will dig into the ways in which Unified Sports is changing the school experience and building communities that welcome and include everyone. Below are seven ways these programs are having an impact:
1. Promoting Social Inclusion
Initiatives that focus on Unified Sports programs, and organizations such as Special Olympics UP, influence the social barriers that exist between students with intellectual disabilities and students without intellectual disabilities. Specifically, working together to play unified sports on the same team has the ability to instill an acceptance of equality and difference.
Unified Schools: Establishing Inclusive Communities is more than just a slogan; it becomes a reality where students learn to embrace differences, and learn to work together to achieve shared goals. It is an environment focused on esteem and understanding which assists in erasing the stigma associated with intellectual disabilities.
2. Creating a Positive School Culture
Unified Sports encourage a positive culture in schools by instilling values like teamwork, perseverance, and empathy. Schools with these types of programs have reported changes in the overall environment of the school, noting that students have become increasingly compassionate towards each other and more willing to support one another.
Students who see their peers experiencing success from school sports become increasingly aware of the diversity of abilities in their school. The Unified Schools idea communicates that everyone, regardless of their background or abilities, have something valuable to contribute.
3. Enhancing Student Leadership Skills
The development of leadership capacities. Unified Schools promotes the development of leadership skills in all students and specifically students without disabilities. Through their involvement in Unified Sports, students learn to lead, and guide, and support other teammates on and off the field.
Through collaborating with their peers, students experience leadership practices that induce empathy, patience, and inclusion. Of course, these leadership skills go far beyond athletics some of which students will carry into their academic lives, and into their social life. A key pillar of the Unified Schools movement is the development of leaders who inclusive.
4. Fostering Lifelong Friendships
Unified Sports offer students with and without intellectual disabilities an unprecedented opportunity to create meaningful and lasting friendships. Students with disabilities are often isolated or treated differently as usual in a school context, and United Sports help to dismantle this isolation.
When students are active together as a member of a team, they develop bonds that are much stronger than just athletics. The friendships that develop help to foster a Unified School, where students with and without disabilities are welcome and valued. For students with disabilities especially, this feeling of belonging is life changing, especially if they feel marginalized in other aspects of their lives. It is even possible that for the students with disabilities, the friendships created positively transform their sense of belonging in ways never before experienced.
5. Improving Physical and Mental Health
Involvement in athletics is associated with myriad physical and mental health benefits. The benefits are compounded for students with intellectual disabilities. Unified Sports activities provide avenues not only for physical activities but also for emotional support, which have been a enhancer of self-esteem and self-confidence within students.
Besides developing fitness levels, there has also been a reduction in anxiety and stress levels. Unified Schools are intended to establish a culture of inclusion and support, and help intellectual disabilities feel less isolated and achieve better mental health outcomes. Again, playing in Unified Sports helps them to feel an emotional attachment to their school and fosters their overall well-being.
6. Developing Essential Life Skills
Unified Sports practice the life skills students will need to be successful in the future. For example, through teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, students work with others and learn how to work with others regardless of their skills.
Together with life skills they will use not only in school but in careers and personal development, also emphasizes cooperation, adaptability, and a deep respect for others and their abilities so that they are prepared to interact with the variety of individuals in the world after graduating. As Special Olympic UP continues to grow its Unified Schools programs, these life skills become embedded within the culture of partner schools.
7. Engaging the Whole School Community
A significant strength of Unified Sports is its ability to mobilize an entire school community--students, teachers, parents, and behavior from administration--to be successful. Unified Sports events frequently become celebrations for the entire community as it fosters support and bring community members together around inclusion and diversity.
As a passionate advocate for Special Olympics, UP believes that creating Unified Schools: Creating Inclusive Communities is a community effort disguised as a student effort. However, teachers and parents also reinforce the values associated with inclusion inside and outside the classroom. Your community engagement is what enables Unified Sports to make an impact.
More than just a series of games or competitions, Unified Sports are an international movement that is transforming schools. At Special Olympic UP, we are proud to support the Unified Schools initiative creating inclusive communities and changing the way schools think about individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID).
Through promoting social inclusion, building positive school culture, creating leadership and friendships, developing life skills, Unified Sports are leading transformational change in schools. Unified Sports are creating a generation of students who appreciate diversity, inclusion, and respect - working towards a more inclusive future.
As we continue to expound the Unified Schools programme, we welcome schools, educators and communities to partner with us in this impactful movement. Together, we could foster school environments where every student feels welcome, valued and included, on and off the sports field.
Let’s continue to support inclusion, and together we will change the world, so that everyone, regardless of the ability, gets a chance to shine.