At Special Olympics Bharat UP, we focus on the inclusion of individuals with intellectual disabilities ID in sports and competitions. Individuals with ID encounter serious issues such as inequality in health care out of which shorter life spans can be attributed to lack of the required healthcare systems to promote overall wellness. The mission of Special Olympics Bharat Health, which is supported by the Golisano Foundation and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is to enable all persons with intellectual disabilities to live the healthiest possible lives and access the highest level of quality of care.
The objective of our inclusive health strategy is to ensure health programs and services are equitable so as to address the considerable barriers people with ID encounter in the quest for quality healthcare. If mental health and social, emotional well-being are prioritized, the gap in health equity will be bridged and there will be a better society, free of inequalities.
The narratives about our sportsmen and women highlight how sport has the power to change lives. These tales include everything from the overcoming of personal challenges to the attaining of remarkable feats both in sports and outside it. Such stories embody individuals with intellectual disability (ID) who have great grit and perseverance.
Our programs aim to develop the emotional and social health of athletes with intellectual disabilities (ID) through sports and health programs. Special Olympics Bharat UP takes a wide perspective in all forms of integration by providing such services as – sporting activity without restrictions to compete inclusive opportunities for all within the community.