At Special Olympics Bharat UP, we appreciate the power that young individuals with mental disabilities have in creating and maintaining any change that is transformative. We aim to train and equip young people, educators, coaches and parents to be advocates for inclusion beginning from the local school and community level to the wider world. In that way, we seek to create an environment where everyone is accepted, respected and celebrated for their diverse gifts and abilities by promoting inclusive thinking.
We support youth-led initiatives promoting inclusion globally, in schools and communities, for individuals with intellectual disabilities. These initiatives encourage and motivate youth to create, act, and change their surroundings in order to bring about a situation where all people are valued, regardless of who they are.
We at Global Unified Schools assist students, teachers and coaches to work together in building an inclusive community for people with intellectual disabilities. In this way we create a platform which allows able and disabled students to nature themselves in a healthy competitive environment.
To enhance knowledge on inclusive education for people with intellectual disabilities, we established the Global Center for Inclusion, which is our hub for thought leadership. It enables education, policy, and practice that aids practitioners, policymakers, and advocates in the fostering of inclusive, accepting, and understanding practices for all students.
This summit unites the youth from all corners of the world with an objective of enhancing their leadership skills, but particularly those with intellectual disabilities. Young delegates are taught how to create change in the schools and communities they represent, through running inclusive initiatives.
As children engage in our early childhood play programs, they learn the teamwork and sportsmanship skills necessary for children, particularly those with intellectual disabilities. Through these programs, children across the spectrum are taught cooperation and the necessity of support system.
Our global ground movement seeks to create better awareness and a more humane society for the intellectually challenged. By calling on a number of people, we are progressing in the area of where everyone belongs.
Our religious-oriented provisions train students both intellectually disabled and non-disabled with leadership skills which make them change agents in their institutions and society as a whole – creating settings that embrace and welcome all.
In promoting schools’ acceptance and belonging to persons with intellectual disabilities, we stick to our three-pronged approach. Through the promotion of inclusive sports, leadership and whole school engagement, we work so that every student feels that they are valued.
We create opportunities for the young adults and encourage them to take up the role of a champion, promoting inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities, by pairing college volunteers with athletes of Special Olympics Bharat.
Be a part of the revolution for inlcusion! In addition to other ways of aiding and participating in inclusion initiatives for persons with intellectual disabilities in your region, this will offer you yet another opportunity.