In Special Olympics Bharat UP, without exception, leadership is at the core of our operations. In that sense, our work in leadership is also a matter of cultural and personal change as we empower athletes with intellectual impairment and encourage their participation in community development. In our view, leadership is something that is practiced together with everyone involved treated with respect and holding some form of a learning process irrespective of being able or unable. In itself, this creates a unique class of athlete leaders in UP, who are encouraged to take leadership roles and advocacy positions, both in the movement and their communities. With our athletes peers in leadership positions, we enhance lives and transform communities and sports for the better. Inclusion and athlete leadership are fundamental to our strategy which is to design a system where everyone belongs, where everybody matters, and whose contributions to the society is not useless but rather useful. That in itself is life changing and also challenges the norms and the way leadership, ability and possibilities are perceived.
The Leadership Opportunities For Athletes program refers to offering leadership roles to persons with intellectual disabilities. It encourages the person to explore their gifts, thoughts, and abilities to inspire and lead the movement of Special Olympics Bharat and their respective communities.
Inclusion is at the heart of Unified Leadership in the sense that it unites families and community members in various ways that cut across able and disabled bodies in ways that promote learning, collaboration and cooperation. It also nurtures a diverse pool of leaders across the spectrum who are comfortable interacting and learning together to improve their leadership skills. This kind of leadership is important in ensuring active participation of everyone and not just those who are considered normal because every single person and the community at large stands to gain.
In pursuing these efforts, Special Olympics Bharat UP aims for systemic change, overcoming challenges and promoting a world where persons with intellectual disabilities can hold positions and succeed. Help us to make a world where leadership has no boundaries.