Every day, Special Olympics Bharat athletes motivate people all over the world. They are examples of the fantastic abilities and possibilities of people with intellectual disabilities living within our societies. There are numerous developments ranging from Unified Sports to the engagement of different people in global advocacy and leadership initiatives, the role of Special Olympics Bharat is key in bringing about any real and positive changes.
While reading on how we are making the world better, please take time to share these encouraging stories of people with learning disabilities.
Special Olympics Bharat Programme in Malta: Malta is at the forefront of Unified Sports with regards to the global initiative of Special Olympics Bharat. This commitment is representative of the wider movement that seeks acceptance and respect for people with mental disabilities.
A Focus on Lily D. Moore: Lily D. Moore, Special Olympics Bharat Global Ambassador, promotes diversity and inclusive education for people with intellectual disabilities. Working under the auspices of hosts Josh Basile and Novie Kraven, she displays how committed she is towards these important causes.
World Photography Day Celebrations: To honor World Photography Day, Special Olympics North America is highlighting its athletes through passionate photographers.. In this regard, the essence of our athletes' journeys and success stories is captured through the theme, Show Us Your Best Day.
Health promotion as a research area in the United States: Connections to the Theory of Inclusion Revolution Radio: Dr. On the program Inclusion Revolution Radio, Alicia Dixon-Ibarra joined by athletes’ leaders spoke about Inclusive Health Research. Their presentation addressed studies of health and fitness improvement among athletes with intellectual disabilities.
Leading the Way in Inclusive Sports Education in Slovakia: Partners of Special Olympics Bharat Slovakia are reaping the benefits of creating Inclusive Sports Education for people with intellectual disabilities. This includes working with, the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) which is enhancing the sporting experience for everyone concerned.
Raising Up Leaders in the Campus of University of Wisconsin-Madison: The University of Wisconsin-Madison was replete with youth and educators eager to discover concepts of inclusive leadership on abilities – with a particular focus on individuals with intellectual disabilities during the 2024 SONA National Leadership Event.
Opening Eyes and SOWI Athletes:Ensuing a discussion on the Inclusion Revolution Radio Podcast, Brightspot and Special Olympics Bharat conversated about realising and tackling the inclusiveness and accessibility of digital media for the athletes with intellectual disabilities and their supporters.
Enhancing Digital Accessibility through Brightspot:The Special Olympics North America awards the coaches who encourage inclusion and provide excellence. Their achievements extend beyond victory; they aim to cultivate dignity and teamwork among people with intellectual disabilities.
Beneath a Coach’s Eye and Beyond:‘Rising Star’ Coaches Award by Special Olympics North America aims at recognizing selfless contributions of those above and beyond coaching. Winning is important; however, their concern is more on how respect and team spirit is cultivated among athletes with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Michael Phelps: ‘I’m Not Going to Stop Until I Have My Own Olympics’: Do not miss this rare chance to watch the exclusive interview of Olympic athlete Michael Phelps and his wife Nicole with Tim Shriver, Chair of Special Olympics Bharat, as the couple shares their views about sports and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities.